Technologies Demonstrators

The following demonstrators have been developed in eight years of R&D efforts to advance from design concepts to a completely novel four-wheel drive flexible and scalable best in class platform per its safety, security, efficiency and ergonomics. While most of the debate is on batteries and electric powertrain whose cost are dropping very fast, the major concern of the OEMs is on the necessary investment to produce a new safe chassis. In this respect I-FEVS has developed a game changing approach to manufacture safe chassis requiring low upfront investments. The same chassis and powertrain can be used to produce quite different vehicle architectures. Similarly, novel patented approaches characterize the manufacturing of the battery pack and the electric-electronic architecture.



Demobase Project


Demobase numerical simulation


Demobase Promoting fire safety


Demobase Promoting fire safety 2

Flexible and agile manufacturing perform

Vehicle to home

Vehicle Stabilization Control


Interactive Fully Electrical VehicleS S.r.l.

Strada Carignano, 50/1

La Loggia (To) – 10040 Italia

P.IVA 03395740040